Book now and decide later!

Super flexible bookings: Book now and cancel up to one week before without any cancellation fee.


$150 / day

  • Good chance to Get Close to the Badgers

  • Artificiell night lightning means more time for badger photography

  • Water mirrors in one of the hides

  • Comfortable and well-Equipped Hides


$150 / day

  • Good chance to Get Close to the Badgers

  • Artificiell night lightning means more time for badger photography

  • Water mirrors in one of the hides

  • Comfortable and well-Equipped Hides


$90 / day

  • Good chance to Get Close to the Badgers

  • Artificiell night lightning means more time for badger photography

  • Water mirrors in one of the hides

  • Comfortable and well-Equipped Hides

Book your photo hide

Book your photo hide

Kalendern laddas...
Powered by Booking Calendar

How it works?

  1. Choose the dates you want to visit the photohides.
  2. Fill out the form with your information.
  3. Send the booking and you will get a verification text and number.
  4. I will contact you personaly with information about your visit.
  5. Payment is done one week prior to your visit.
  6. Make sure to read the booking terms for your booking.

Flexible bookings

Things can change, i know how it is. When you book your photo-hide you have the most amazing flexible booking without any charge. You pay one week before arrival and can change or cancel your booking without any Registration fee one week prior to your visit. So, what are you waiting for? Book that hide! :)

How it works?

  1. Choose the dates you want to visit the photohides.
  2. Fill out the form with your information.
  3. Send the booking and you will get a verification text and number.
  4. I will contact you personaly with information about your visit.
  5. Payment is done one week prior to your visit.
  6. Make sure to read the booking terms for your booking.

Flexible bookings

Things can change, i know how it is. When you book your photo-hide you have the most amazing flexible booking without any charge. You pay one week before arrival and can change or cancel your booking without any Registration fee one week prior to your visit. So, what are you waiting for? Book that hide! :)

Location of the photohides / meeting point

Location of the photohides / meeting point